They will also tell you that developing hobbies and things to do together (aside from work and racing the children) allow you to make time to have fun together! Kite flying is one of those activities that have provided many hours of fun for them.
Mike enjoys launching the larger single line kites and making a bit of a display. He

enjoys his dual line and quad line sports kites as well. Andrea tends to reach for her quad-line Revolution kite. It’s not unusual to find them flying in a local soccer field, or a provincial park somewhere.
The two like flying together and are working away at some semblance of a quad line kite team - which usually ends with laughs and one or two oops! It has been good for communication, even if that communication involved a few colourful metaphors!
One lesson Mike had to learn was to relax more with his kites when flying with his family. It took him a while to realize that kite flying needs to be fun for all involved and getting too uptight about the kite getting damaged, or how involved the family was tended to suck a lot of joy out of the family time.
Mike came to realize that kites can be fixed, and with the right attitude even untangling kite line can be a Zen experience too. It is so great to help your children and friends learn to fly kites. The big smiles as they complete their first loop is worth the effort!
Mike and Andrea snuck away last evening to a local park with their Rev kites - and even being eaten alive by mosquitos - they had a great time.
It was especially good for Andrea. She has a stressful job in healthcare with long hours. She has found flying kites is a great way to unwind, deal with stress and have some fun! “Even setting up the kite, attaching lines is relaxing.” She said.
Great Canadian Kite Company is owned and operated by a Canadian family of kite flyers - people who enjoy kites - together. Running one of Canada’s best online kite stores is just an extension of that passion.